The result of the work of the participant @CatOstrovsky

The goal is to develop software for showing simple charts based on input data we provide. You can use either JavaScript, Android Java or iOS Swift.

Range №1

Range №2

Range №3

Range №4

Range №5

Brief description of the project

User charts using html5 canvas. The project is written in object-oriented style. To build using a web package. You can run a local server on NodeJS or use a project without an assembly, including the necessary scripts on the page.

The project supports the expansion of the functional themes. In order to add a theme, you need to create and connect a .js file, where the instructions for Range.prototype.themes will be located. You can see an example in the folder ./javascript/theme.dark.js

To create a range, you need to create an object of type Range and pass the canvas id to it for initialization. Then you can pass the address for data collection to the setFromUrl method or transfer the data to the setFromData method

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